Historical Piano Society
Period Piano Collection

Welcome to the Historical Piano Society:
the online piano database

We rely on you to provide piano data and photographs to maximize usefulness to piano owners, researchers, organologists, tuners and technicians, and manufacturers.

Historical Documents: In addition to piano records, we will build a database of historic piano literature such as piano catalogs and advertisements. Please send any scans or hard copy documents to

Bill Shull, President
Period Piano Collection
610 Amigos Dr. B1
Redlands, CA 92373
ph: 909 796-4226
email: bdshull@aol.com
Technical Data and Photos: Photos: We ask our contributors to submit technical data also: string scales, case measurements, plan view photographs with reference dimensions, etc. We will also provide data sheets in the future.

Membership Types: In the future there will be two kinds of access to this site, free and paid. Everyone will be able to sign up, and after signing up, may upload and download data and photographs. However, the photographs will only be available to free users in low resolution. In order to help with the establishment and maintenance of the site, a small annual fee will be charged for those who need full functionality, access to available full resolution photographs, etc.

Other Database Sites:This site accepts data and photos for all pianos, from the first Christofori to the most modern custom instrument. If you are submitting data on a piano built before and including 1860, please also submit that data to www.earlypianos.org, also called "Clinkscale Online." This site is dedicated to only antique, pre-modern pianos. Those familiar with the outstanding project of the late Martha Clinkscale, "Early Pianos, " will appreciate that this ongoing online database is based on the pianos published in her two volume list of historic pianos, but now it is an online database project which will accept your pre-1860 piano submissions, as well.

Donations made to further the development of this site, as well as the other projects of Period Piano Collection, may be sent to Treasurer, Period Piano Collection at the above address, or by clicking on the "donate" button.

Site Design and Error Issues: As we are still evolving, please report errors or difficulties with the website!

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